Need a few answers?.......Here are some of the more frequently asked questions and the answer. If you have a question that is not listed here use the email link below and will get back to you as soon as possible.

You must be at least 18 years of age and able to prove it !!!!......or you must have full parental consent and have a parent or guardian present.

Yes of course they that your scared don't worry. The process is usually uncomfortable for the first few minutes but your body shows tolerance and you get used to the feeling. But of course there are somne areas that are more "comfortable" then others!?!

Sterilization id the most important aspect of a tattoo studio. All of our equipment comes pre sterilized in sealed medical packages. just like a hospital absolutely nothing is reused absolutely nothing. We have a code ....ONE FOR ONE!!!!!!

The healing time varys from person to person. Other factors are the size of your tattoo and how well you take care of it. Healinjg time also depends on the location of the tattoo. Most tattoos should heal with in 7 to 14 days.
It sure can! Old or new a tattoo will be able to covered with something new. The only problem is to cover a tattoo that is already really dark...a lighter color will not show up on top of a dark tattoo. Once covered you would not know the old one was ever there.
Drop us line if you have any questions and need more info. We will respond to your questions as soon as possible. [email protected]